Search By Tag: 2011 Epicenter Conference

Joel C. Rosenberg
Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times best-selling author and the co-founder of The Joshua Fund, a nonprofit charitable and educational organization.
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Dr. T.E. Koshy
Dr. T.E. Koshy is a pastor, teacher, and one of three senior elders overseeing a movement of some 6,000 evangelical Christian congregations in India, Pakistan, Europe and Asia.
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Kay Arthur
Kay Arthur is the founder of Precept Ministries International, a Bible teacher and author of more than 100 books and Bible studies.
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Ray Bentley
Senior Pastor of Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, California, Ray Bentley hosts the daily Maranatha Radio show, heard worldwide, and has authored a variety of books.
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Skip Heitzig
In 1982, Skip Heitzig began a home Bible study which eventually grew into Calvary of Albuquerque — considered the fastest-growing church in America in the late ‘80s. Today, the church ministers to over 14,000 people weekly.
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Tom Doyle
Tom Doyle loves and serves both Arabs and Jews and assists in church planting efforts in the Middle East.
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Dr. Hormoz Shariat
Dr. Hormoz Shariat is the founder and President of “Iran Alive Ministries” (IAM), whose mission is to transform Iran with the power of the Gospel.
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Tomas Sandell
Tomas Sandell is the founder and director of European Coalition for Israel, a pan-European Christian grassroots movement in support for Israel.
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2011 – Jerusalem, Israel
In May 2011, The Joshua Fund hosted an Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem for two days, and led a “Prayer & Vision Tour” to Israel. Joel C. Rosenberg was joined by several renowned Bible teachers and shared from the Old Testament Book of Joel.
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Anne Graham Lotz
Anne Graham Lotz is the founder of AnGeL Ministries, a non-profit corporation, that shares messages of Biblical exposition and hosts revivals for women.
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2011 - Jerusalem, Israel
The 2011 Epicenter Conference was held in Jerusalem, featuring Joel C. Rosenberg, Kay Arthur, Anne Graham Lotz, Ray Bentley and Skip Heitzig.
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