2012 - Albuquerque, New Mexico
2012 Epicenter Conference participants prepare to hear from several theological experts regarding relevant issues concerning the epicenter region.
Brenton Brown opens each conference session with Spirit-filled worship.
Best-selling author, Joel C. Rosenberg, provides an update on the current state of the epicenter.
Conference attendees listen attentively throughout the sessions.
Dr. Norman Geisler shares Old Testament scriptures and what they mean for Israel.
Dr. Michael Rydelnik follows that up by relating New Testament scriptures and their meaning for Israel.
Joel Rosenberg leads a question and answer session with Dr. Geisler and Dr. Rydelnik.
Pastor Skip Heitzig moderates a panel discussion regarding replacement theology with Dr. Rydelnik and Dr. Michael Vlach.
Dr. Vlach addresses the impact of replacement theology on the church today.
Joel C. Rosenberg encourages participants to understand the scriptures concerning Israel's neighbors.
Joel Rosenberg and Pastor Skip Heitzig engage in a discussion about how The Joshua Fund is helping in the epicenter region.
Dr. Erez Soref shares his testimony as an Israeli believer in the Messiah.
Rev. Jack Sara also shares his remarkable testimony of growing up in the Old City of Jerusalem.
Labib Madanat impacts the conference with his testimony and commitment to live, give, serve and proclaim the word of God.
Dr. Mitch Glaser captivates the audience with his story of being raised in a New York Jewish Orthodox home and his journey of faith in Jesus.
A panel discussion was held regarding the amazing work the Lord is doing throughout the Holy Land today.
Joel C. Rosenberg concludes the conference by examining the future of the epicenter in light of bible prophecy.
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