Mike MacIntosh

For 36 years Mike has been the pastor of Horizon Christian Fellowship in San Diego, California. Over one hundred churches and para-church organizations have grown out of this congregation worldwide, as well as Horizon Christian Academy, a preschool through high school educational system that currently enrolls over 1,000 students.
Mike also serves as Founder and Chairman of the Board for Horizon College San Diego, and Founder/President of Horizon International Ministries. Horizon International is dedicated to working throughout the world by means of outreach events, relief work, publications, radio and television. Mike and his team have served in many critical-need areas such as Poland, Romania, Mexico, Cuba, the Philippines, and other Asian countries. Mike can be heard nationally on the Chapter & Verse radio broadcast, as well as via live webcast.
With a deep commitment to the law-enforcement and first-responder communities, Mike serves as a Chaplain for the San Diego Police Department, the Newport Beach Police Department, and the American Red Cross. As a certified trainer through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Mike has facilitated many critical incident stress management debriefings, and has provided training to first responders across the US and in Mexico. Mike also serves as a committee member for the California Commission on Peace Officer’s Standards and Training (POST).
Mike holds Master of Arts, Master of Religion, Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Divinity degrees from Azusa Pacific Graduate School of Theology, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University, and the author of several books, including When Your World Falls Apart, drawn from his experiences as a Chaplain responding to the New York World Trade Center disaster.