Past Conferences

2018 – Jerusalem, Israel
Join Joel C. Rosenberg and The Joshua Fund for messages from the Epicenter Prayer Summit that has just concluded in Jerusalem, July 2018. The Summit included an evening and a full day of teaching, prayer, praise and worship. The focus for prayer was guided by speakers Joel C. Rosenberg, Anne Graham Lotz and Dr. Ronnie Floyd.
2017 – Santa Ana, California
The 2017 Epicenter Conference was held in Southern California in October 2017, featuring Joel C. Rosenberg and his special guests, Jewish, Arab and Palestinian pastors and ministry leaders as they share the story of how the Gospel is advancing and is uniquely being shared in Israel, the West Bank and in the Neighboring Nations.
2013 – Jerusalem, Israel
The 2013 Epicenter Conference held in Jerusalem, Israel July 5, 2013, featured teaching from Joel C. Rosenberg, Pastor Joe Focht, Erez Soref, Shmuel Aweida and Hanna Shahin focusing on “The Power of the Word” to change a leader, a nation and the world.
2012 – Albuquerque, NM
The 2012 Epicenter Conference was held September 12-16th in Albuquerque, New Mexico. New York Times best-selling author, Joel C. Rosenberg, was joined by several highly regarded theological experts to discuss in detail several essential issues relevant to the Church’s view of Israel and the epicenter region as a whole.
2011 – Jerusalem, Israel
In May 2011, The Joshua Fund hosted an Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem for two days, and led a “Prayer & Vision Tour” to Israel. Joel C. Rosenberg was joined by several renowned Bible teachers and shared from the Old Testament Book of Joel.
2010 – Philadelphia, PA
The Epicenter 2010 Conference was held at the Kimmel Performing Arts Center in Philadelphia. The conference included discussions on the Gaza flotillas, Israel-U.S. relations and Israel’s status in the world, among others. It also included a demonstration of support for the commandos who took part in Israel’s interception of a Turkish ship trying to break the naval blockade of Gaza.
2009 – San Diego, CA
Joel C. Rosenberg hosted the 2009 Epicenter Conference in San Diego, California to examine several rising global geopolitical and economic crises in light of Bible prophecy. Rosenberg was joined at the conference by Lt. General (Ret.) William Boykin, the former commander of the Army’s elite Delta Force and the former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence; and Pastor Chuck Smith, the renowned Bible teacher, author, radio host and prophecy expert.
Details2008 – Jerusalem, Israel
The Epicenter Prophecy Conference held in April 2008 marked Israel’s 60th anniversary, and included senior Israeli officials and evangelical leaders, hosted by Joel C. Rosenberg, New York Times best-selling author and founder of The Joshua Fund.