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The Story of Hassan
A 6-year-old Syrian boy, fled with his mother, 2 brothers and grandparents to a safe location. Sadly, his father was a casualty of war.
DetailsYou Shall be My Witnesses
Thankfully, some of the same aspects that have often made the internet a useful tool of the enemy of our souls, are now making it effective for those advancing the Gospel. “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Genesis 50:20
Miracle on the Mountain
As the temperatures soared, hope faded and the desperation of a father reached its end. Fleeing in great panic with hundreds and perhaps thousands of other families, they escaped up the mountain to a place he knew that could not sustain all the inhabitants who would soon occupy its summit. His only concern was to feed his now famished baby. The barren mountain was unforgiving and claimed the lives of many of his people during these days. Most of them, children, were tragically taken by the painful death of dehydration. This father was terrified that his baby would soon face the same fate.
Prayer & Vision Tour of the Holy Land - Hosted by Joel C. Rosenberg October 14-25, 2015
Join us for an unforgettable journey together through Israel! If you have a desire to travel to the Holy Land, engage in excellent teaching from Joel C. Rosenberg and area pastors which provides a unique perspective of the Land of Israel, please prayerfully consider joining us October 14-25, 2015 with an optional Jordan extension from October 25-29, 2015.
Saving Children In The Epicenter, One Heart at a Time
One of the ministries The Joshua Fund invests in is deeply dedicated to saving the lives of children in the Middle East who suffer from congenital heart defects. If treated early, children with these defects can often live a healthy life. But such medical care is not readily available in many Middle Eastern countries, or is prohibitively expensive.
Pray with us . . . An urgent prayer request for believers in Iraq
Please join The Joshua Fund in an urgent prayer request for the followers of Jesus Christ in Iraq. As the invading terrorist forces move northward, they have overtaken cities that are mainly Christian, attacking churches, threatening believers and driving many from their homes and communities.
Pray with us . . . As we ask the Lord to bring an end to the conflict
Please join The Joshua Fund in asking the Lord to bring an end to the fighting in Israel and Gaza. We seek the Lord for the following prayer requests.
Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness And has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord And rely upon his God. Isaiah 50: 10
Four Ways Christians Can Make A Difference During the Syria & Egypt Crises
When it comes to the crises in Syria and Egypt, Christians should not sit idly by on the sidelines and watch others make moves we agree or disagree with. The Scriptures indicate we can and should play an active role in times of trouble — our top priorities should be to learn, pray, give and go.
2013 Epicenter Conference Messages now On Demand
“The Power of the Word,” was the theme of the 2013 Epicenter Conference. Joel and the guest speakers explored how God’s Word can dramatically transform individuals, leaders and nations by studying the lives of Ezra, Nehemiah, King Josiah and the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please watch and allow “The Power of the Word” to transform your life.
The State of The Epicenter: 2012
After an introduction from host pastor, Skip Heitzig, Joel C. Rosenberg provides an update on the “State of the Epicenter” and examines the current geopolitical and spiritual trends in Israel and the Middle East.
Leadership Conference held in Siegen Germany
Calvary Chapel of Siegen hosts an annual Leadership Conference with guest speakers Joel C. Rosenberg and pastors Ray Bentley, Bob Botsford, Nick Long, David Guzik and Lance Ralston.
Albuquerque Speakers and Special Music
Joel C. Rosenberg, best-selling author and President of The Joshua Fund, will be joined at the 2012 Epicenter Conference by several special guest conference speakers and special music by Brenton Brown.