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Joel C. Rosenberg – 2018 Epicenter Prayer Summit Welcome
Join Joel C. Rosenberg, Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund as he welcomes attendees to the 2018 Epicenter Prayer Summit and introduces the message topics for the Wednesday evening sessions.
State of the Epicenter 2017
Joel C. Rosenberg shares notes for his message for Saturday afternoon Oct 7, 2017, at Epicenter Conference 2017 on the amazing work the Lord is doing in the hearts of people in Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The Joshua Fund and our ministry partners continue our ministry to bless and encourage believers and to support the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Epicenter.
Have you Walked Where Jesus Walked?
Join Joel C. Rosenberg and The Joshua Fund for a Prayer and Vision Tour of The Holy Land July 3-15, 2018 and the Epicenter® Prayer Summit will be held July 11-12, 2018.
Pray with us . . . For the people of Egypt
Please join The Joshua Fund in asking the Lord to bring His true peace to people of Egypt. We pray for God’s protection over the people and His comfort to those who have lost loved ones or have suffered injuries in the terrorist attacks yesterday during Palm Sunday services at two churches.
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, from the wicked who do me violence, my deadly enemies who surround me. Psalm 17:8-9
2017 Epicenter Conference - Southern California
Friday evening, October 6 & Saturday, October 7, 2017
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Santa Ana, CA
Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry
Gathering together, greeting each other with the love of Christ and finding a seat in the room, a small group of believers in an Arab nation prepared to meet with God. After praising and worshipping the Lord through music, the group spent extended time with some local and guest teachers who taught from the Bible, each one instructing from a different chapter. Those in the room experienced a broad range of emotions and found themselves reflecting upon all that they heard.
Investing in the Next Generation
One of The Joshua Fund’s dearest ministry partners leads conferences and other activities in Israel where young adults can clearly hear the truth of the Gospel.
Scattered In The Center
The entire Middle East and the Epicenter is weary from war. In Syria the loss of life has been astronomical, while today inside Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon the scattered are living out their lives as refugees in the worst modern-day humanitarian crisis on the planet. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Matthew 9:36
Preserving Life in Israel
It began in the 1980s when an Israeli pastor along with other local believers began a battle against “the shedding of innocent blood” throughout the land of Israel.
Update on Iraq from an Iraqi Pastor
Join Joel C. Rosenberg, Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, and an Iraqi Pastor as they discuss the grave situation facing Iraqi Christians and how we can pray for and support them.
Audio Interview – Sharing the love of Christ with the People of Syria
Listen to the audio interview with The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg and one of our ministry partners in the region as they share how you and other believers around the world are helping local Arab believers deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as caring for the practical needs of many refugees in the Epicenter.