Search By Tag: 2012 Siegn

Joel C. Rosenberg
Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times best-selling author and the co-founder of The Joshua Fund, a nonprofit charitable and educational organization.
Speaker Bio
2012 Siegen - Ray Bentley
Pastor Ray Bentley provides practical steps for “preparing the Way of the Lord,” according to Isaiah 40:3, in light of Jesus Christ’s imminent return.
2012 Siegen - Lance Ralston
Pastor Lance Ralston examines the hope we have for future revival amongst the Lord’s people according to Psalm 85:4-7.
2012 Siegen - Ray Bentley
Pastor Ray Bentley discusses the urgency of the day and the need to share the message of God’s love “as long as it is day.”
2012 Siegen - Nick Long
Pastor Nick Long examines what Scripture says about the future of the Lord’s temple in Revelation chapter 11.
2012 Siegen - Panel Discussion 3
The Siegen, Germany conference continues with Pastors Ray Bentley, David Guzik, Bob Botsford, and Nick Long taking questions from those in attendance.
2012 Siegen - Bob Botsford
In Matthew 24, Jesus was asked by His disciples, “when will these things happen, what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” Pastor Bob Botsford looks at the response of Jesus and provides an exhortation to be ready for what is to come.
2012 Siegen - Bob Botsford
Pastor Bob Botsford discusses several plaguing prophecies contained in God’s word.
2012 Siegen - Panel Discussion 2
Following Joel C. Rosenberg’s message on Ezekiel 38 and 39, Pastor Ray Bentley, Pastor Dave Guzik and Joel C. Rosenberg take questions from those in attendance.
2012 Siegen - Joel C. Rosenberg
Examining the prophecies contained in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, Joel C. Rosenberg discusses the War of Gog and Magog, Russia, and the future of Israel.
2012 Siegen - Panel Discussion 1
The Siegen Leadership Conference continues with Pastor Ray Bentley and Joel C. Rosenberg taking questions from those in attendance.
2012 Siegen - Ray Bentley
Pastor Ray Bentley discusses the Abrahamic Covenant and its implications.